
Labour of Love

Martin Aveling

Tags Creativity, Exhibitions, Missing In Art, Pastel Pencils

Labour of Love
if you get to the end of a labour of love and still feel in love, that's when things have worked out! This crocodile drawing took 400 hours to complete, spanning 9 months

Kichwa Tembo - The Head Elephant

Martin Aveling

Tags Awards, Blog, Exhibitions

Kichwa Tembo - The Head Elephant

The hyena den was bathed in that slanting sunlight of the golden hour before nightfall, and we felt at peace with life hanging out on the plains of Ol Pejeta Conservancy in northern Kenya. Our Japanese hire car would talk and sing to us at every opportunity when the keys were engaged, and none of us knew how to mute it, so I had removed them from the ignition and dropped them in my lap. I turned to smile in shared contentment at my partner, Amy in the passenger seat, and to our friend Charlotte in the back. Read on......

Your Creative Push

Martin Aveling

Tags Creativity, Podcast

Your Creative Push
A compilation of soundbites to help give you that extra push to create...

Human Impact Judges Discussion

Martin Aveling

Tags Awards, Conservation, Exhibitions, Wildlife Artivism

Human Impact Judges Discussion
What role can art can play in creating awareness about environmental issues?

Wildlife Artist of the Year 2020

Martin Aveling

Tags Awards, Conservation, Creativity, Exhibitions, Wildlife Artivism

Wildlife Artist of the Year 2020
My reaction to not winning 'Wildlife Artist of the Year' 2020.